ella grace.

another niece of mine. she was the first (and only) of my nieces and nephew that i was here for their birth. which means i got to hold her as a newborn. 🙂 and she’s going to be THREE(!) this fall. a beautiful little girl and so full of life. my favorite part about her? our conversations. she doesn’t run out of things to say, and always keeps me laughing. i love that little girl for sure.

i can’t believe how fast time has gone. and it scares me to think it will go even faster with my own child.

just what i need.

we had such a hot summer here this year. but the upcoming labor day weekend is shaping up to be not only tolerable in temperature.. but pleasant, even!

re-entry into the working world after a 12 week summer vacation with my family is not an easy transition, as it turns out. a long weekend, beautiful weather, and quality time with my husband, my son, and my dogs is just what i need.

indiana state fair.

we were able to schedule our visit to indiana during one of my favorite indiana summertime activities: the state fair! i love,love,LOVE the indiana state fair.

cows, horses, sheep, pigs, llamas, goats? yes, please!

funnel cakes, lemon shakeups, hot buttered corn on the cob? heaven!

and then there’s doughnut burgers. (pictured above)
which my husband had for lunch. and a seemingly endless assortment of deep fried everything.

deep fried brownies.
deep fried candy bars, PB cups.
deep fried pepsi. (yes, pepsi.)
deep fried cookie dough.
deep fried oreos.
deep fried twinkies.
deep fried chocolate covered strawberries.

i can feel my arteries clogging just thinking about it.

a dad and his son.

this is my husband, and this is his son. i’m obviously a bit partial to the subjects in the photo, but i think this is so beautiful. a dad and his son.

my head has rested in that very place that my owen’s is. it’s a good spot.

but i think my husband has the better spot. because there’s nothing sweeter in this world than having that little boy snuggle into your chest and fall asleep. nothing.


being at my parents’ home in indiana is always a refreshing change in scenery from suburbia. don’t get me wrong, i’m not ready to leave the luxury of convenience of my new home in kansas city quite yet. but there is certainly an appeal to a more “country” lifestyle that i hope is a part of our future some day.

i will always be a hoosier at heart.